CY480 Universal Printer Controller

Not for New Designs

Standard Features

  • 5 volt (+10%) operation
  • 5 x 7 dot matrix generation
  • Variable line length
  • Graphics capability
  • Baud rates from 110 to 9600 BPS
  • Variable duty cycle (print intensity, etc.)
  • Full 96 character font (upper & lower case ASCII)
  • 48 character internal line buffer (expandable to 132 by daisy-chaining)
  • 32 system commands
  • Built-in self test
  • Built-in clock generator
  • 2-color print command
  • Forward/backward printing
  • Inverted print mode printing
  • Variable character density command (10,12, or 16 char/inch standard)
  • Expanded print mode (horizontal and/or verticle elongation)

CY480 Overview

The CY480 Universal Printer Controller is a 5-volt LSI device that controls 5x7 dot matrix impact, thermal or electrostatic printers whose columns move across the page. The CY480 uses printer supplied timing pulses or internally derived timing for constant speed print heads. The CY480 easily interfaces to any computer using 8-bit I/O ports or TTL/RS-232 ASCII data and contains all character generating, timing and control circuitry. The CY480 has been used with LCR, Victor, Hycom, Practical Automation, Amperex, Olivetti and other standard ticket-style printers.

CY480 Command Summary

Code    ASCII
(Hex)   Char            Controller Action

0       NULL            No operation
1       SOH             16 char/in printing density
2       STX             12 char/in printing density
3       ETX             10 char/in printing density
4       EOT             Graphics mode on
5       ENQ             Horizontal elongation on
6       ACK             Horizontal elongation off
7       BEL             Vertical elongation on
8       BS              Vertical elongation off
9       HT              Red print enable
A       LF              Line feed
B       VT              Red print disable
C       FF              Print (full buffer)
D       CR              Print (partial buffer)
E       SO              Auto linefeed mode on
F       SI              Auto linefeed mode off
10      DLE             Reverse printing on
11      DC1             Reverse printing off
12      DC2             Reverse font on
13      DC3             Reverse font off
14      DC4             Complement last bytes MSD
15      NAK             Set Bit7 (MSB) ontime reg to 1
16      SYN             Set Bit7 (MSB) offtime reg to 1
17      ETB             Set linefeed counter to 1
18      CAN             Increment linefeed counter by 1
19      EM              Decrement linefeed counter by 1
1A      SUB             Clear buffer
1B      SEC             Clear buffer
1C      FS*             Define new buffer size
1D      GS*             Load ontime next
1E      RS*             Load offtime next
1F      US/DEL          Load absolute data next
20-7E   Printable characters
7F      RUBOUT          Rubout software reset

*Indicates a 2-step "command/data" sequence.

CY480 Pinout

  1. Clock 1
  2. Clock 2
  3. Data 0
  4. Data 1
  5. Data 2
  6. Data 3
  7. Hammer Strobe
  8. Hammer1/
  9. Hammer2/
  10. Hammer3/
  11. Hammer4/
  12. Hammer5/
  13. Hammer6/
  14. Hammer7/
  15. Busy-Ready/
  16. Serial Data
  17. Data 6
  18. Data 5
  19. Data 4
  20. Vss
  21. Gnd
  22. InterSys Com
  23. Mode 0/
  24. Mode 1/
  25. Mode 2/
  26. OS2 (Paper Feed)/
  27. OS 1 (Print Enable)/
  28. Paper Advance/
  29. Selftest/
  30. Paper Feed/
  31. Red Print/
  32. Clutch Out (Rev)/
  33. Motor On (Fwd)/
  34. Ready Out/
  35. Ready In
  36. Position 1
  37. Position 0
  38. Strobe/
  39. Reset/
  40. Vcc (+5v)